Hello friends,
It's been such a long time since I updated the blog that I don't really know where to start!
Marcus is doing brilliantly at the moment, as you can see from the photographs. We had a couple of stays in hospital at the start of the Summer. Firstly, Marcus had a bout of gastroenteritis and dehydration followed by a mystery virus a month later. Fortunately, he's pretty robust these days and he fought these bugs off pretty easily. Marcus' development is progressing steadily and his communication skills are improving every day; he undestands almost everything we say to him and responds appropriately. His Makaton skills are brilliant and he signs new signs straight away now. STOP! is the new sign of today ;-) Very useful! or it could be - the only trouble being that Marcus has a very cheeky sense of humour and simply laughs whenever we ask him to STOP!
Marcus is also getting stronger, little by little. He is rolling much more confidently and pushing himself up to sitting from lying. He is also trying to kneel and get on all fours; I plan to do LOTS of physio and swimming with him over the school holidays to build on these skills.
Joely has enjoyed a fabulous first year at school. Her reading is brilliant and she's flown through the scheme. She's growing into a very clever young lady; can't think where she gets it from! Joely has also done well in her swimming, her teacher says she's becoming 'a great little swimmer' and her nanna agrees. She's been going to Stagecoach for a year now too and that has definitely helped her to grow in confidence. I have no worries about Joely - she's gorgeous, I'm a very proud mummy ;-)
The other big thing in our life at the moment is the 'Big Build'. We are completely renovating the existing house and have added a two storey extension on the side and a single storey across he back. Needless to say, the house is in complete disarray at the moment and we are living in a building site. People keep saying it'll all be worth it in the end ... the end is not in sight yet though ... It will make a big difference to us though, providing us with a downstairs toilet and shower for Marcus and a play/therapy room for all his equipment.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Olivia Jay to our family; Lindsay and Bob's lovely baby girl. Marcus and Joely adore her and she really is rather cute! (Cute enough to make me want another one shhhhh, don't tell Gaz.)
We all went to a lovely wedding at the weekend at Ripon Cathedral which brought back lots of lovely memories of our own wedding - EIGHT years ago next month. How fast have those years flown by? Caroline looked amazing and we had a great day.
Finally, Gary will be taking part in the Great North Run later on in the year to raise money for CFC International and research into Marcus' condition - I will come hounding you for sponsors later.
Hope you enjoy the photos and I promise not to leave it so long to blog again.
Lots of love
Sam Weston xxx
Time for an update on the extension and something about the Great North Run