Tuesday, 9 January 2007

MARCUS' STORY: January - April 05

This is the most dramatic part of my story so far! We arrived at ward 7 in the RVI quite late in the evening of 13th Jan. A very nice student nurse booked us in. It was pretty scary for so many reasons but mainly because we'd left the quiet comfort of the Friarage Hospital where we knew all the doctors and nurses and entered a huge regional centre in the middle of Newcastle. I'd never been to a city before but I got to know Newcastle really well! Joely was staying with Nanna and Granddad and mummy and Daddy stayed with me in my side room for the first night.

The following morning we met Dr Thomas who was very serious and explained how seriously poorly I was. He told us I would have to have a special sort of feed that went in via a drip, into a big vein in my neck - the feed was called PN or parenteral nutrition. He told us I would need surgery to put the line into my neck and they also wanted to put a camera down my throat and take some biopsies. I didn't have much say in the matter but mummy and daddy agreed. He hoped the tests would show why I couldn't eat without being sick. So that was my first general anaesthetic. I came back with a tube attatched to my thin chest which tunnelled under my skin to my neck. Dr Thomas said my oesaphagus looked normal, as did the biopsies which was good but told the doctors nothing about my condition. The PN started and I grew a little but my liver was enlarged and fatty so the doctors had to be careful because PN could hurt my liver badly.

Soon after I arrived, we met Dr Bunn, my consultant, and Dr Hodges who is the other member of the team along with Dr Thomas. They took it in turns to look after me during my long stay and my subsequent visits to the RVI. Anyway, the consultants arranged a barrage of tests: blood tests, MRI scan, abdominal scan, x-rays, barium swallow etc. but with no success. I could feel everyone's frustration as every test came back normal. If I was normal, why was I so skinny and sick?? The doctors decided I had some reflux and some upper gut dysmotility. I continued to grow a little but at 4 months, I still looked like a newborn and had only just regained my birth weight! Then, the doctors decided to try putting my ng tube further down through my stomach, into the top of my bowel. This was a SUCCESS even though I kept pulling the tube out! The doctors had to take me to x-ray to put it back in as it was a bit tricky to get it in the correct place. However, I was sick far less and the doctors gradually increased my milk intake and decreased the PN.

Mummy and Daddy decided along with the doctors advice to go ahead with a "surgical jejunostomy" which is a kind of feeding tube that takes my food straight into the top of my bowel through a hole in my tummy. We knew we could all go home if this worked.

During all this time in hospital, Mummy, Daddy and Joely stayed in Crawford House with all the other families of poorly children. I was so glad they could all be so near. Joely was only 2 but she got used to being in hospital and there was an amazing nursey nurse called Tracy on the ward who helped Mummy a lot. I got to know all the nurses so well and I loved them all, especially Ann - Marie, Jackie, Nicky, Chris and Karen.

I had the surgery on 17th March 2005 and it all went horribly wrong. When I came round from the anaesthetic, I was in great pain but I couldn't tell anyone so I just twisted and screamed a lot. It got worse and worse and mummy and Daddy were so scared and worried. The doctors stayed with me all night because my breathing and blood pressure were bad. I had a couple of blood transfusions and the doctors really weren't sure what was going on. I just felt so bad and in so much pain.

The following morning, my nappy was full of blood so I was rushed to theatre again. The doctors did an emergency laparotomy, which means they cut my tummy open to have look to see what had gone wrong.

The next time I saw Mummy and Daddy was when i woke up in PICU. I tried to move but I couldn't because it hurt so much. My body was covered in tubes; I had a tube down my throat connected to a machine to breathe for me; my body was swollen to double its size due to all the fluids I'd had and my stomach really hurt when the morphine wore off. the doctors told Mummy and Daddy that my gut had twisted in two places after the surgery and I had a congenital condition called malrotation of the gut - THAT what was causing some of my gut problems - my gut was back to front! Mr Jaffray had to untangle my intestines and put them back where they should be before putting my jejunostomy on the other side. I also got an infection called sepsis and I had a really high temperature and I was tachycardic. Mummy, Daddy and Granddad spent the night watching me and willing the numbers on the monitor to go down...

They did and by the next morning I had improved but mummy was still sad as she couldn't give me a hug. Mummy went back to Crawford House for a sleep but while she was gone my ventilator got blocked with some mucous and all the alarms went off and I went blue. Daddy was terrified and got pushed out of the room while the doctors and nurses rescucitated me. He phoned Mummy and she raced back over to the ward. I was fine but everyone was so scared. I didn't really know what was going on because I was still on a lot of drugs including morphine at that point. One by one, the drips and wires came off and after 4 days i was well enough to leave PICU. I now have a huge but neat scar which runs above my belly button, from one side of my tummy to the other. It took a while to heal but now the scar is part of me, part of my story.

I remained in hospital for a further month, we had to wait for my gut to begin functioning 'normally' again after the surgery and Mummy and Daddy had to learn how to look after me at home. They had to learn how to prepare my special milk, administer my medicines, use my pump and look after my new J-tube. I suffered a couple of hiccoughs during my recovery but finally, when I was six months old, I was allowed home!!

I should add, at six months old, I still only weighed around 10lb. My body was very skinny and weak. I couldn't even hold my head up yet. However, I was delighted to be home and was wasn't really sick all that much. When I was, it was stomach acid and/bile that came up. It made me scream when I was sick because it hurt quite a lot but generally, I was much better now. i even started smiling and playing with my toys!

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