MARCUS' STORY: October 2004
I never really liked eating. From the moment I was born, I was never really a hungry baby. Mummy breast fed me and I liked it but got full up really quickly, after about 5 mins, and was often sick straight after. Joely was so good at feeding and mummy just thought I was different. However, the midwife came when I was a week old and I had lost weight. She came again when I was 2 weeks old and I still hadn't put any weight on. After 3 weeks of no weight gain, I had to see Dr Pearson who noticed that my ears were a bit funny and he thought I ought to see Dr James at the Friarage Hospital.
Meanwhile, Mummy was getting really upset with me about my feeding. She was watching the clock while she fed me and waking me up in the night to feed me but I often wouldn't wake up and feed. When I did feed for a long time - I threw it all back up again. Poor mummy and daddy had to get used to the smell of sick and all the washing I created!
I went to see Dr James who noticed I had a heart murmer too called pulmonary stenosis. Dr Wylie was at Friarage that day and I met him and he did an echo and ECG. He then told mummy that I had 2 congenital heart defects and drew a picture of a heart to show her where the problems were. I had a little hole called a VSD but thankfully, that's gone now. Co-incidentally I had started with a little cold and Dr James said I had bronchiolitis as well as reflux.
Mummy went home laden with medicine, hoping I would get better...
I didn't! I lost another pound in weight that week. The bronchiolitis made me really poorly and I didn't want to eat at all. I looked and felt terrible. I had a really bad cough and I was sick even more than usual. Mummy started giving me Gaviscon but it didn't stop me from being sick at all. She stopped breast feeding me too so she could see how much I was drinking - she was on my case all the time!! She didn't understand how poorly I was feeling at all. She soon realised that I really wasn't drinking enough. I dreaded feed times. Mummy spent an hour dripping milk into my mouth which just made me feel really sick. She kept swapping bottles and trying different kinds of milk but i hated them all. I hated everything....I just wanted to sleep and to be left alone.
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