Sunday 6 February 2011

Another week flies by...

I can't believe we're already well into February. We've had a really busy week - Gary had tonsillitis last weekend and has not been feeling great all week and the rest of us have all had colds too. However, we have soldiered on with the usual rounds of school runs, swimming lessons, gymnastics, work, housework, cooking, getting up in the night, getting up early ...

Marcus and Joely go to gym club together after school on Thursdays; it's gives me so much pleasure to see Marcus actively involved in a mainstream activity. He has one-one support and the activities really help build his strength and co-ordination.

Marcus has also started swimming lessons at the local baths. He has a private lesson and as I have to get him undressed and take him down to the pool, I decided I may as well take Joely and Romilly swimming too. This Friday, Gary was working until five so I decided to take them all in and Gary came straight to the baths after work to help get everyone showered and dressed. After working all day, I must admit maybe I was a little over-ambitious, the whole escapade was pretty exhausting. It took twenty minutes to get us all dressed and trying to cram all our belongings into a locker assisted by two little people who are pretty unsteady on their feet, sliding around on the wet tiles, was not fun! I swore under my breath, oh why did I think it would be a good idea to take three children swimming!! Thankfully, I had Joely to help and once in the water, Joely needs very little supervision; she swims like a little fish and Marcus went straight into his lesson and I was able to give Romilly some attention; she is a real little water baby and we taught her how to put her face into the pool and blow bubbles.

Marcus' eating skills are progressing well and he's experienced a range of sensory experiences this week - as well as all the new foods he tries at school. He requested a Happy Meal at Macdonald's last weekend and he bit and chewed chips and nuggets, he's developed a taste for cake and he has sampled the delights of most of the cafes and bakeries in the area.

I am looking into getting an adapted cycle for Marcus from somewhere and I have received lots of great suggestions from friends and family and I have a couple of irons in the fire. However, Gary pointed out yesterday, assuming we manage to get a bike, where will we keep it? I have no idea, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and I'm sure my lovely husband will think of a solution to that problem. I am just too preoccupied by the prospect of the five of us, on our bikes, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful Richmondshire countryside. We'll have to plan our routes carefully though, Richmond is full of hills and I wouldn't fancy cycling up-hill with Marcus is tow now!

We're looking forward to another busy week ahead, Marcus has an appointment with the Endocrine team at the RVI in Newcastle in Wednesday to review his growth hormone dose. That's my 'day off' accounted for - maybe I'll be able to sneak in Monsoon in Eldon Garden before we set off home. On Thursday night, the NCT girls are coming to Richmond and we're heading to The Station for a meal which should be lovely. We have eleven children between us now; it's crazy to think back that when we met, almost exactly eight years ago, we were all expecting our first babies.

Oh how our lives have changed since those ante-natal classes and the coffee mornings!

Until next time xxx


  1. Hi Sam, this is the first time I've seen your blog, its lovely to see and hear about your family all doing their thing, it feels like I know you, what a great idea!

    Alison, mum to Carys, 5,cfc.

  2. Thanks Alison, glad you like it. I hope you and your family are well : ) xx

  3. Keep it going Sam - great to hear so much happiness and good news XXX
